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Jacque Mgido: Investing in your country

For Episode 4, I had the privilege of having a conversation with entrepreneur and make up artist, Jacque Mgido. From her story we learn about the process of leveraging success abroad to invest in Zimbabwe whilst simultaneously building a global cosmetics brand

In our conversation some of the key takeaways include:

  • Pushing through failure

  • The struggle in building a global brand

  • Investing in your country

  • Empowering young women

  • Changing lIves

To listen & watch the full episode check out the link below:


To support or follow her brand you can find her on:

Below I have left my favourite excerpt from our conversation:


Dumi: "How best can we support you?"

Jacque: "I think how people can help is by understanding where I've come from, who I am as a business. Because once you understand the story, and understand how unique the story, for me, it's not about the purchases, because the purchases will come.

I don't want people to be like, I'm going to just buy lipstick though I'm good with that. But if you don't understand the story, then it's not going to mean anything. I would rather you understand the story, because when you tell somebody else they become so invested in what we are doing, that they have no choice, but to support.

People always think purchasing is the support. No, support is spreading the word, the right word.

A lot of people don't get makeup, they always think it's just makeup. They don't get it. You know, for them only the sciences are important. Being a medic is super important in saving people's lives. But people also don't understand that as funny and crazy as it sounds. Makeup is actually saving lives as well. Because, you know, everybody always says beauty starts from the inside and outside. But the truth of the matter is, if you feeling bad about you outside, the inside is not gonna be great."

Be Inspired!

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